Thursday, 2 August 2012

Warning, we Steal!

Totally unconsciously, we have become a family of thieves. I pride myself on being an honest person, I will always tell a checkout operator if they have given me too much change, I will drive out of my way to return a lost purse and I am brutally honest. Tell me honestly, does my new haircut suit me? Well, actually no.

Riley wearing stolen goods

It has come to my attention that I have become a thief! I bought Riley one pair of winter pajamas this year, which, considering I gave all of his old ones to the Salvos, means he should have one pair of winter pajamas, he does not. He has four pairs of winter pajamas, I only bought one of them.

Riley wearing stolen goods

We have become that family who never returns things. There have been a few nights where we have had dinner at a friend's place, the kids have showered together and then Riley has gone home in a loan pair of pajamas. This is a very kind act and no doubt will never happen again, because each time we have kept the pajamas.

Riley wearing stolen goods

Actually, I'm not that worried about not getting another invite, because I do remember half of the pajamas I gave to the Salvos weren't ours either and we still mananged enough invites for a few more pairs of stolen pajamas. I really must be a better returner though!

I would personally like to thank the original pajama purchasers, you know who you are. As it is already August, we should probably just keep the pajamas now, by the time I get around to washing and returning them it will be nearly summer anyway...

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