Sunday, 26 August 2012

Happy Days

Sometimes Riley's cuteness and innocence makes my heart really soar. Today I got home from work and he and Cliff were searching for 'gems' on our front verge. His idea of a gem is basically any rock, mostly bluestone. He is pretty convinced that with a good whack from a hammer a beautiful gem will appear and then, he says, we can drive around in a limo with a spa in it. Oh Riley, I really would like to see that vision!

He asked our neighbours, who had spent the day sanding down the weatherboard from the front of their house if they had had a good day. He asked if they were going to paint their house red. He has absolutely no idea and it is so very cute.

The thing about parenting is that you are always thinking about your child, sometimes you are worrying, sometimes sad, sometimes indignant, so the days when you are happy and laughing are pretty sweet.

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