The Mahjong Nazi informed me again that my house was a disgrace, which compared to many houses it is. We are not overly tidy people, but I can safely say that I am the only person in my house who has ever used the vacuum cleaner, or cleaned a toilet, or washed sheets, or changed towels, the list goes on.
I know that every single day I tidy, do washing, or vacuum, but the house remains untidy. It is a completely depressing task to clean and then see your hard work undone in the next hour. It's not just Riley and my husband's fault, we have two very hairy pets who like to shed masses of fur. Every surface I create is soon taken over with something and my work seems futile.
The Mahjong Nazi firmly believes that cleaning the house is completely my responsibilty, the whole women's liberation movement seems to have passed her by unnoticed. She has even asked why my husband should have to clean which I am a bit incredulous over, surely when two peopple both have full time jobs, they both have responsibilty for cleaning the house?
As husbands go he is not too bad, he does all of the dishes and helps with the washing, but as I sit here in my loungeroom, I can see his dressing gown, ugg boots and two of his jackets left lying around. He has even told me that he doesn't see the point in anyone cleaning the house because it just gets messy again.
I love going to people's houses where there are surfaces, I really have surface envy. Maybe I just need a junk room, so that every room isn't a junk room. Or I could do what my ex-neighbour did when her kids were little and throw anything that was on the floor in the bin, the problem is that the bins are only emptied once a week. I think I will just get a cleaner and go and hang the next load of washing out.
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