Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Funny Things Riley Has Said

I used to carry around a little book where I wrote down the funny things that Riley said, then I switched handbags and didn't switch the book. I found the little book today and thought I would share these with you.

Some are from a few years ago, so I'm including photos that match the age.

On nose picking, "I never get to pick my nose! You don't understand, its who I am".

After doing some pretty good colouring in, "I don't think I need to go to school anymore".

Knick knack names, instead of nicknames

"Blah, blah black sheep."

In 2010 Riley changed his middle name to Happy, he still writes this as part of his full name.

"The lion in Narnia is a really good actor".

On how much he'd like for dinner, "I'd like a hat full please".

And when asked where he lives, "I live on Hampster Street". Lol, we don't, although it is an improvement as he used to say he lived on Riley Street.

I'm happy I have found my little book, I'm going to go and put it  in my bag and remember to start using it again.


  1. How funny! I'd have a treasure trove of funny things my kids have said, if only I had written them down!

    Your Riley sounds like quite a character. :-)

  2. Thanks Lisa, he sure is a character!
